Well this is a discouraging chart!

The fact is that nearly a quarter of us lose a significant amount of hearing by age 60. And it doesn't get any better as the years go on!
The good thing is that there are plenty of options available to help. Now if you're consciously using some hearing loss as a means to avoid engaging in stupid conversations, just skip this post! Seriously, if not for you––you probably have someone in your life who could use this information. After all, you might be tired of hearing "WHAT??!!!" every time you try to talk to a parent or spouse…
I know Alex is sick of me yelling it!

I am actually keeping an eye––well, an ear on my hearing. I spent years working in loud environments including construction sites and a shipyard and I spent even more time playing in very loud bands. Believe me, the words "hi-fi" have no meaning to me anymore.
Having said that, I'm still not to the point where I'm missing a lot of conversation. Especially when Alex is talking to her Mom on the phone!
What I mean is that I can hear Alex's Mom on the phone from two rooms away. Why? Because she's so deaf now that she shouts nearly all the time when she's talking on the phone. Without getting into the weeds, we do this because when we talk on the phone we literally can't hear what we're saying as well––so we talk louder.
Last visit I had to nearly yell at Alex's Mom from six feet away. I specify the six feet because we're still dealing with COVID protocols. And for someone with severe hearing loss, this is a real pain in the ass! It's bad enough not to be able to hear in the best conditions, but then add in people talking through masks!
Anyway, Alex's Mom has resisted looking at hearing aids for a long time. And a big part of the reason is cost.
The plain fact is that hearing aids have traditionally been expensive––but this is changing!
For one thing, digital technology is changing everything. Just like with TVs and cellphones, newer technologies are now readily available and competition is fierce. This means lower costs for research and development and and a drop in prices.
The other main reason hearing aids have been so expensive is that trained audiologists put people through extensive testing and tuning. As of 2017 the FDA opened the door to "over-the-counter" hearing aid sales, especially for people with mild hearing loss. This again increased competition and drove down prices.
One company at the cutting edge of over-the-counter hearing solutions is Otofonix…
And Alex's Mom is trying a pair!
And she's the perfect example of someone whose life can change with hearing aids. Haven't you noticed that when someone is hard of hearing, people can treat them like children? Or people just think they're either stupid or losing it.
Alex's Mom is a bright, intelligent woman. She's a great conversationalist and she's lived a full life with lots of great stories. She loves to talk about travel, the arts, books and current events. But it's hard when you have to slow down and shout the entire conversation or repeat yourself because she didn't hear clearly.
We're hoping Otofonix will change all that. We'll follow her progress and give you updates along the way. Be sure to subscribe at TheBig60.Life so you won't miss anything.
Meanwhile, the tipping point for Alex's Mom is that Otofonix is running a 50% off promotion right now. Essentially, get a pair for the same price as a single hearing aid.
Just click the banner or use THIS LINK for the "buy one get one" offer. They're saying limited time, so we don't know how long this special will be running, but even at full price, Otofonix is still one of the most affordable options out there.
Here are the main reasons we picked Otofonix:
Rechargeable models (Don't have to change batteries)
45 day Full Refund policy
Optional "Protection Plan" for just $10 a month
Terrific reviews
Hearing loss is just something that happens. But we don't need to settle for it!
Life is much richer, safer and more enjoyable when we can hear what's going on around us. For ourselves, or for our loved ones, there are plenty of options out there now. Nobody needs to suffer!
While free hearing aids are the exception––not the rule, there are several options that may be available if cost is still a barrier. Here's a good article to check out from SeniorLiving.org…
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