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Oct 9, 20201 min read
Jim Makes a Smoothie! See why this is such a big damn deal!
Jim is always running out the door without eating. Inevitably, he'll grab some junk food crap on the way to wherever he's going…

Oct 7, 20202 min read
Getting Old Sucks! But your parents getting even older sucks more!
You can't stop the clock… And if we're lucky enough to be still alive and kickin' at 60 and plus, it's likely we've got some parents to...

Oct 7, 20204 min read
Your Parents Safety - YOUR Sanity!
There's nothing more stressful than worrying about aging parents. They took care of you and it can be frustrating, even painful to think...

Sep 27, 20204 min read
"WHAT?!!!" If every conversation starts with "WHAT?"––you need to read this!
Well this is a discouraging chart! The fact is that nearly a quarter of us lose a significant amount of hearing by age 60. And it doesn't...

Sep 15, 20202 min read
We're Going Smooth This Week! (Smoothies that is! Fast, healthy, easy smoothies for YOU!)
Alex is fussy about what I eat. I'm not complaining. First of all, she's just looking out for me––and she's a great cook! On any given...
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